Published 11 September 2022
Some exciting changes going on this release, lots of bug fixes but we also managed to squeeze an unhealthy amount of new features in as well 🧀
✨ New features
- External links are now reorder-able
- Alerts have been redesigned to inspire more confidence
- New keyboard shortcuts in the markdown editor (ctrl+b, ctrl+i, and ctrl+k)
- Secret feature: markdown split view
- Custom questions now support descriptions, custom regex validation, and min/max
- All focus states have been unified, one purple ring to rule them all 🟣
- Clubs page has been redesigned with a new card layout and a wider page
- Forms will now warn you about leaving the page if you have unsaved changes
- Clubs can now be pinned using the overflow menu on the club page. Pinned clubs show up at the top of the clubs page.
- The events page is now accessible without being logged in
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix tags matching system theme despite setting Stevent to light mode
- Fix image field complaining if you already uploaded an image
- Overlapping profile menu on dashboard pages is now on top
- Markdown fields now preserve line breaks!
- Move the join club button above the description on mobile
- Improved the stability of "about your members" page
- Big improvements to how authentication is handled under the hood, Stevent is now faster to load
- The little number that shows more clubs are hosting an event finally works
- Fixed some pages not loading if you were logged out
If you're around RMIT city campus in the next few weeks, keep an eye out for the Stevent posters we've put up!